You can expect a thorough exam using the latest, state-of-the-art equipment. Our dentists will tailor a treatment plan specific to your needs. We want to improve your overall health and exceed your expectations!
– Brandi Smith
Office Manager
I have been working dental industry since 2020. I enjoy spending quality time with my husband, Marc, and son, Alec. You can usually find us on a ball field, outside watching TV, playing Beat Saber, or listening to loud music. I also enjoy repurposing furniture and crafting.
Smile for Special Needs
Team Smile
Autism Speaks
My favorite book is The Giving Tree. I enjoy watching documentaries and comedies. Fall is my favorite season because football is on. My favorite team is the Broncos. I love seeing the world, and my favorite vacation spots are Las Vegas and Europe.
Schedule with
Brandi Smith
Schedule an appointment with us today to discover the difference of advanced, proven technologies, a full suite of services, and exceptional quality in dental care – all tailored to give you a healthier, happier smile.